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What Are The 5 Most Important Things In A Relationship?

Blu Lunar Wellness

Updated: Nov 5, 2021

What's a healthy relationship?

Not everyone perceives a healthy relationship in the same way due to different needs. Some would consider a relationship healthy if their needs revolve around sex, space, quality time, communications, hobbies, or values.

In this blog post, we will look into how a healthy relationship should look.

Building a healthy relationship

Most relationships begin with the getting to you know each other stage, where neither partner wants to disrupt the status quo, and both unusually to keep the peace, by not sharing their honest feelings and opinions, sensing they may differ from their partners.

Although commonly seen as they way to navigate getting to know each other, this can set an unhealthy foundation for the relationship, were neither person is able to or bringing to the relationship their authentic selves.

This can lead to unresolved issues. conflict and disagreements. At times even resentment.

Communication is key to building and maintaining a healthy relationship. Below we'll discuss what makes a relationship healthy besides having clear communication.

What makes a relationship healthy?

A healthy relationship is built on some the 5 important following things.


That means you rely on your partner(s) for support but you still maintain your identity.

Open Communication

Having clear communication is ideal for any relationship. Both you and your partner(s) need to have an open space where you all share your ideas and thoughts without being spoken over or judged. Taking cues from their body language, shutting down and being quiet is not always a sign of the person becoming disengaged, it could be that the person, doesn't like conflict and may not have the language necessary to convey how they feel about the topic of discussion. Be patient and work together to find a happy medium.

Trust, Respect, and Honesty

Trust, Respect, and honesty go hand in hand when building your relationship.

If your partner(s) find it had to tell the truth because of how you would react to the situation. Therefore, don't jump to a conclusion before hearing what they have to say. This invites honesty and truth and along with this trust, supporting growth within your relationship.

Curiosity and Boundaries

Curiosity is a good thing in a relationship. If your partner has a business or an investment idea, be curious. Ask questions, share your thoughts, and even take part in its development.

This gives them the morale to push forward with the plan. But if you are not involved in their plans, they may pull away and not feel listened to or supported.

When it comes to boundaries, we all need our own space and time. If your partner(s) requires their own space to think and relax, respect that, wanting space is and quiet is healthy. Communication is key, for all partners so that quiet time and space is not seen as silent treatment. Remember, time apart is healthy for you and your relationship.

Physical intimacy

When you hear about intimacy in a relationship, you may think it's always about sex. It isn't. Some people don't enjoy or want sex. Your relationship can still thrive without it, although all partners will have to be clear about each persons needs and wants.

If none of you is interested in sex, there are other things you could do that involves sleeping together, kissing, hugging, and cuddling. During this time, invite conversations about what and how physical intimacy looks to you.

Conflict resolution

When it comes to conflict resolution, most couples fail. That is because they don't understand the dynamics and ways to reach an agreement. It's obvious that at one point, even in a healthy relationship, you’ll rub shoulders with your partner.

Anger and frustration can be reduced, with clear, communication, and understanding. If things are a bit heated, walkaway, give each other space and return to the conversation, when things are less tense. Go for a walk, or into another room, but ensure you talk about the issue later on and address calmly what lead to the initial conflict in the first place.


Having a healthy relationship depends on your needs as a partnership. Relationships take work, time and emotions for it to flourish. I would recommend talking about all your issues and being open-minded. What causes most relationships to fail is poor communication, therefore be clear about your needs.

We know how difficult it can be when starting out and so we have made mini workbooks and worksheets to support you on your journey, check out our website to download the free resources.

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